Its becoming an annual event here in TDot, this years Hall-O-Queen party was the best yet!!!!! The party really took off when Pussy Noir took to the stage in her sunday best and got the crowd on their feet with a lil come to Jesus gospel music.... She returned later in the evening channeling Erykah Badu in a most fab-u-lous way!

Picture by Abdi Osman

Cedric was totaly channeling Naomi Campbell last night and took home the grand prize!

OK I have to admit I was deeply conflicted with two of the contestants, both part of the EPIPHANYNoir line up of models.... Both put on a fierce show last night!!! So where did my vote go?!? She knows!;-) Here they are both fab-u-lous as hell..Ty and Andy! Enjoy!

Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.