Sometimes during a photo-shoot you just want to try something different, take somethings from around you and put them creatively into the shoot. One day after taking several images of Mycal I spotted a rather large jug of penny's he had... I mean this was a foot and a half in diameter and possibly two feet high and nearly filled with pennies. Mycal knew just what I had in mind, his only concern was who was going to help him pick up all those damn them pennies once we were done... I didn't blame him at all and we eventualy decided it was worth the work... So there I was poring pennies all over him..thousands of pennies!!! I was excited by the image because I knew it would suit my sepia tone image style very well... It was different and interesting... and I think also served up several possible metaphors to be determined by the viewer.
Ah Canada!... As we slipped back into the last remnants of winter again this week I found myself wishing even more for the warmth of summer. One of the highlights of any summer is the week I spend at my friend DeWayne's home in Michigan. While still close to Detroit DeWayne's home really seems like more of a rural setting... Quiet streets with large plots of land and neighbors not so close that a heavy tree line can completely make you feel like you are up north somewhere. Its quiet, its restful and a perfect place to spend four or five days just relaxing... one of the signatures of any visit is the extensive flowers DeWayne has planted all around his home! Now a green thumb I do not have, but I can totally apreciate how amazing it looks! Its obvious that allot of work has gone into planting all of these just so and they exhibit the clear passion he has for his flowers and plants! Since it did nothing but rain all day I thought this was the perfect time to show off just what April showers can bring! Enjoy!
Sorry for the long delay in posts... my day job has been taking a bit out of me! But I'm back.... Finally this weekend the weather has broke and we finally got a few warm "spring jacket only" days!!!! Looking forward to getting out and shooting some more of Toronto this year... the many varied forms of architecture and parks makes TO a great place to be in the summer!