While Detroit will always be home for me Toronto is the way forward for me in so many ways. My journey here started as a career decision and over the past nine years I have grown so much. Not just work wise but personally. Detroit just did not have the challenges I needed to grow as a person and I often look back and see just why I am here now. Challenges bring growth and they have been constant and steady here. Toronto is not on the surface a very friendly city to live in, its conservative british heritage makes getting to know people and have deeper relationships initially hard. But after all these years I feel like I have cracked through and have succeeded in many areas and have a great life here.

Toronto's beauty is in its variety, its culture and people, architecture... Often compared to New York Toronto is the largest city in Canada and a fair bit cleaner than NY. When reading Foder's book on Toronto they make a startling claim that Toronto does not have any Projects or Ghetto's like most large American cities, while it may not seem as such there are clearly parts of Toronto that are economically challenged. With that said the crime rate is significantly lower here when compared to say Detroit.
My favorite aspects of living in Toronto can be found in its culture and and infrastructure. First of all ridding the subway has eliminated any need in me to own a vehicle which has reduced my stress 50% from the cost and road rage tactics of back home. Just riding to and from work can expose you to any number of languages and people. Canada by its nature is a mozaic and not a melting pot like America. People are encouraged to be themselves here, and for the most part diversity is at least encouraged, and though I am skeptical at how well they are succeeding, I have to say it is much nicer here. The beauty of living downtown offers me any number of eating choices and I have really come to love so many new foods that simply weren't on the map back home. The technological infrastructure in Toronto is also something I have come to take for granted as things like internet networks and connections are far superior to those south of the boarder. Toronto just seems newer in so many ways, constantly changing.

So when I am gone for any thing longer than a week... I begin to miss my new home.... My fantastic apartment which faces a magnificent downtown sky line inspires me every morning when I wake up. For me its always been the hum of a city that energizes me. I miss my friends and the constant happenings of my neighborhood which is a buzz nearly 24/7. I love to ride my bike down to the ferry and over to Toronto Islands on a saturday morning. I miss the choices that are always present! I always used to watch the movies from the 50's and 60's showing that urban cosmopolitan feel of living and working in skyscrapers, taking the train to work, stopping at the coffee shop on the corner... Making an evening at the club or a concert. Toronto provides me that life in abundance.

For all of its big city feel there is also a great deal of green space that while not like NY Central Park also allows moments of calm reflection and represent the level and importance to which Toronto's residents connect with nature. Toronto is my home and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
toronto sounds really cool, never been there but i just might visit in the summer, definetely in the summer.
Glad to hear that someone else who isn't from here likes this great city of ours! Go Toronto! Great blog by the way!
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