Mothers Day 44 years ago, I thought then you would never go away, I thought I would have you forever. You exemplified a classier time when women wore sleek classic dresses, hats, corsages and white gloves. You taught me manners that are no longer in vogue today, how to treat others with respect, how to be a gentleman. Somewhere along the way the world changed, we became more in touch with who we were, the sexual revolution, the womens movement, the ME generation. Civility became redefined around the individual and in many ways we were diminished. But you never let me forget how those days were and I am who I am because of you. Happy Mothers Day... I'm missing you today, but at the same time I know your always with me.
Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman.
Very moving tribute...thanks for sharing.
Stirred emation for my own Mom.
Beautiful photos.
Ex Percetpa
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