It's 2:00 PM January 4th 1998 and I am crossing the boarder with my roommate Sam at the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit to Windsor. It is the biggest leap of faith I have ever taken in my life. I am leaving EVERYTHING that is familiar to me to move to a new city, and new country. Ahead of us is our moving truck.. a semi loaded to the roof with everything we have ever owned.
When we get to the the other side we are required to go inside at the boarder to officially declare our status with the fine folks of Canada. Our paper work, two sets of documents meticulously prepared by the company who hired us... Anderson Consulting. The trip is a result of eight pull ya through a ringer interviews which resulted in our invasionary force of two. The boarder guard carefully reviews our applications and promptly declares them to be invalid as he begins to fill out a slip for our return to the USA.
Sam faintly sits down on a bench with both hands in his head... and I start to get Detroit on the guy! "What do you mean invalid, these were prepared by the immigration lawyers at Anderson!" To which he replied "I don't care if they were prepared by Bill Clinton him self! They are not correct!" "But everything we own just passed this boarder in a semi truck, we are going to Toronto!" Now raising your voice to a boarder guard is not recommended.... EVER. But I was not going to be deterred and with steely eyes I said "Get your supervisor!"
Minuets later the guard returns with a supervisor and the 10 inch thick NAFTA Binder.... The supervisor flipping through hundreds of pages of free trade documentation, "Actually these papers are in order she says to the other guard, We need to let them in." "Sorry for the confusion she said, and welcome to Canada!" I force a smile and glare at the guard who stamps our visas as if he is trying to drive them through the top of the counter. "Here you go" he says with no apology for the error... I restrain myself from saying "Ya Momma!" and pull Sam off the bench "We are in!, Lets go!"
We leap into Sam's BMW and four hours later we were in our new home in Toronto... our entry all but forgotten there was a sense of exploration in the air, we were fish out of water big time and quickly we determined that Canada was going to be very different from the USA. Like everything there has been the good and the bad but after five visas I finally became landed in Canada. I have made the decision to stay and the experience has transformed my life. So it is January 4th 2008 and I sit here and reflect on everything that has happened in the past ten years. Canada is more than a country, its a refined idea of how life and humanity should be, and I am smitten by the very idea it represents. So heres to the next 10 years!
Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
1 comment:
Wow thats interesting, 10 whole years?? its been awhile. But whatever happened to the border guard??
Well i hope the 10 years have been a good experience and wish you well in more to come! Here's to another 15 years, no not really make that 25 years!!
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