Some time around 4pm today I reached yet another record in the blogosphere with EpiphanyNoir! 50,000 unique visitors who contribute to an average of 3000 page hits per week/ over 150,000 hits per year! What still amazes me is the viral nature of the internet has increased my presence in the world by almost 24 countries to 104! My humble Thanks! to all of my readers! Please keep the word going out!
Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
Congratulations Chris!
Note to the person who left the malicious comment here. You should know two things going forward. One I can reject your comments which is easy enough to do. But I also have complete preview to the IP Addresses which I can use to track you down and have you arrested under guidelines of the law. So you have made your thoughts known and I have heard you but do not test me. Hate speech is not tolerated.
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