Monday, June 26, 2006

Toronto Pride 2006

The following posts are devoted to this years pride celebration in Toronto... The three day weekend was punctuated by perfect weather, great entertainment, a slammin parade and the awesome company of good friends!

Really X-tra Magazine tell us how you really feel!;-)
All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Deep Dickollective Hits Block-o-rama at TDots Pride!

One of the hottest acts at this years Block o rama was a rap group out of Washington DC... They really amped up the crowd!
Deep Dickollective Founded in 2000, D/DC represents a "coming out" in hip-hop. Together Juba Kalamka (Pointfivefag), Tim'm T. West (25Percenter) and Jeree Brown (JB RapItUp) are the brave mavericks of a movement that some affectionately refer to as homo-hop. Their political lyricism does not take itself too seriously They are Oxymoronic "out" black queer Emcees the world says do not exist. They are the rumblings of a revolution that have for too long been silenced. Their album "The Famous Outlaw League of Proto-Negroes" (2004) was named to Out Magazine's Top Ten Gay Albums of The Year list. Their fifth album will be released in 2006.

If the following video does not work please link to the source:

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Parade Day 2006!

Ok here is just a bit of Toronto Pride parade flava for ya! Starting with the TD float! WOW! This bank really knows how to grab a guys attention!;-)

OK already my favorite brand of ......

Gotta fly the freak flag!

Gotta love Canada where gay parents and schools are so inclusive of their families... Heres a young fella who will grow up respecting the differences of others!

Drag Queens on the back of a convertable... There is nothing better!

Seems the Mounties allways get their man!

Gotta love the support of the police and firemen in this city...

The mayor of Toronto David Miller.... and City Counsel

Many groups were represented in the parade and I could have posted many shots but I like theses... People with a little pride moxey! Enjoy! Allright for Kosher!

Check out this Asian cutie!

ACT Toronto!

GO Brazil!

Caribbean representing!!!

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Pride JR Style!

The New JR sans those signature dreds.... still showing his awesome style!

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006


Not to be out done by the TD folks Motorola.... hmmm thats why they call it a razor!;-)

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

TD Year two for the Hotties!

Its Pride in Tdaot and Church and Wellesley are full of Hot men!

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Sunday Afternoon Play

Took some time on a perfectly lazy sunday afternoon to hit a short play with some friends at the local play house Buddies in bad times theater in the toronto gay village. The world premiere workshop play titled androgyne (Sexy Pride) (formerly titled organ-eye-zed crime) by d'bi young and directed by ahdri zhina mandiela. The two characters performed by uber-talent d'bi.young (Dora nominated star of Trey Anthony's da kink in my hair) and Ordena Stephens-Thompson

A dub poet, storyteller, playwright and actor, d'bi.young has earned her place as one of Toronto's fiercest, most commanding and versatile performers. Androgyne is a choreo-poetic love story that looks at patriarchy, as it manifests itself culturally. A tale of women who have spent more than 25 years as friends starting in their youth in Jamaica through their move to Toronto Canada. Each taking on a different path which culminates with one professing a love for the other which may or may not transcend their life long friendship. A short work of 45 minuets I found the play to be a very enlightening look into the Caribbean culture and its views on patriarchy and homophobia. Seamless transitions in this one act play between growing up as children and adulthood and moments of reflective poetry made for a very well paced and dynamic play. Moments of humor and sheer joy contrasted by moments melancholy and unrequited love. Well worth the time and a definite must see if it comes to your town!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mickey Roots

My friends Mike and Krista, what started out as just a fun shoot turned into a very kewl afternoon of walking through parks and taking some great portraits! I really like the mix of textures and contrast in these images!

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006