Monday, August 21, 2006

Abdi and Miss Ross

Anouther pick from this year Fettish Fair....
All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Coop at the Church Street Fettish Fair!

Ok Soon to move to California, Coop! the model formaly known as JR is doing his thing at this years Fettish Fair!
Gotta love those abs!
All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Birthday for Miss Ross!

Birthday for Miss Ross... 2006

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Sunday Afternoon....

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Boxer

Now the years are rolling by me, they are rockin even me
I am older than I once was, and younger than Ill be, thats not unusual
No it isnt strange, after changes upon changes, we are more or less the same
After changes we are more or less the same

And Im laying out my winter clothes, wishing I was gone, goin home
Where the new york city winters arent bleedin me, leadin me to go home

In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him
til he cried out in his anger and his shame
I am leaving, I am leaving, but the fighter still remains
Yes he still remains

From "The Boxer" Simon and Garfunkel
All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Sunday Evening... 6:30pm

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006

Saturday Morning... 7:30am

All images and written word are copyrighted by Christopher Cushman 2006