Every once in awhile as an artist you cross paths with someone with whom you have a creative simpatico. I had that opportunity when I met Tony Manson through my friend Lasaunji. Tony is a fine brotha from Detroit who has not only written and self-published his first novel "When you don’t know" in 2003 but is currently working on his second! I was happily able to help facilitate the first book by providing the image for the cover and to provide the design and final typesetting as well. The photograph is actualy a picture of Garth, who had been Lasaunji's Boyfriend, it was perfect for the cover and with some courage he gratiously let us use it for the cover! I caught up with my friend the other day after several nerve-racking try's via temperamental computer equipment!
Epiphany: Well thanks for finally coming on LOL...
TM: right! LOL
Epiphany: So Three years ago you came out with your first book, "When you don’t know"...what was the book about and what motivated you to write it?
TM: Because of my interest in gay, especially black gay love stories, I felt I had a story to tell as well. Besides, I felt that all the stories that I was reading only took me up to a certain point. I wanted others to know and understand that love is love… no matter whom it is with. I wanted to get past the Disney image that I was receiving when it came to black gay love. The book is about a young black gay man in Detroit set in the early 80's.

Tony Manson at Half Past Three in Detroit with the debut of his first novel
Epiphany: Well you were very successful in doing that! Did the book have any semi autobiographical influences?
TM: Well......I have been asked this question before.....LoL. Peyton, the main character, is only 40% of me Tony. I created Peyton and of course your own imagination plays a part of developing him, Peyton. But Peyton is not totally me......LoL.
Epiphany: Peyton was a character that I think a lot of people could identify with...he had a certain innocence about him... When you were writing was it hard to pull out experience for him from your own experiences?
TM: No. I didn't want Peyton to be a typically "gay character". I wanted people to understand that the guy you see in the cleaners or at a light that you don't suspect as being gay could be, but that doesn't make him less of a man or person. I was never one to run with a crowd or be taken as being gay. So it was exciting showing the dealings that "we" could do when no one knew what was really going on. I told you I have a good imagination.......so I just turned some of my escapes around .....LoL.
Epiphany: Ok kewl!!! Yeah he was just your average kewl dude... Who was the love of Payton’s life? and do you believe they were soul mates? More importantly do you believe we all have a soul mate?
TM: Everyone says we have a "soul mate" out there.......but I wonder. If we do....timing is the key to it all. If the theory of soul mates is true.......I would say I lost mine a long time ago, before I ever knew that that's what he was. I mean I did use him as a standard for all those that came my way later. But I really think that my soul mate hasn't crossed my path yet...lol. Now for Peyton, Ishmael, better known as "Ishie" was his soul mate. They had a love and bond that was created without tryin...it just happened. And that is what its all about.........accepting and not tryin to change things.....lol
Here is a snippit from the book:
"Did you enjoy yourself tonight Peyton?"
"Yes, I did and I want to thank you for inviting me.
Thank you Ishmael" I said. "But I know that's not what you wanted
to talk to me about, is it?" I was pacing the balcony with my hands
locked behind my back.
"A couple of my buddies found you very attractive, but I told
them I wasn't sure if you messed around. So......do you?"
"What do you mean mess around?.....with men?.........am I
gay?........Is that what you asking me?"
I stopped moving at this point.
Here it was, front street, damn.......what do I say?
Epiphany: Would it be proper to characterize this book as a romance novel?
TM: Yes, amongst other things. I say that because not only does Peyton feel love on different levels, and all it has to offer, but it helps create and shape him as a man. Peyton goes thru so many things alone but it doesn't make him crazy just more stronger against life.
Epiphany: How successful has the book been for you? who is your biggest audience?
TM: I am very thankful for the success of my book. In saying that, I have been told by a lot of people that they have either felt that way or now understand when someone they know goes thru it. I would say that black women has been my biggest audience. They relate to the sensuality and intensity that Peyton and others feel. It lets them know that love is love........no matter who you with. The same feelings flow....some might not like that, but it true.

Pride 2003 and a chance to sell the book!
Epiphany: Wow! Sort of the E.Lynn Harris effect.... Its interesting you bring up women ...I’m in the process of putting together a little something about "Judy's" or more incorrectly fag hags... those girls we just love to have in our lives.. why do you thing gay men have these important women in their lives? why do they so easily identify with us?
TM: Because we go thru the same things........lol. Women like this exist in gay men lives because they appreciate the truth we say. A straight guy ain't going tell them things to make their life better, for some other guy, come on. Most are to busy tryin to break their spirit as they work on the next one. And as for us.....they are the only ones that don't judge us when we say how hot or fine that brotha is....majority of the time, they see it too but know they can't have....so they rather know you got it.........lol

Tony and Garth, the model on the cover
Epiphany: So I hear there is a new book in the works..what can you tell us about that?
TM: Well........you know the sayin behind every good gay man is another good gay man makin sure he keeps steppin........lolol, well that's what I need in my crazy life so I can get this damn book finished! I mean I am more than half way thru, actually 3/4 finish, but I just havin been feelin it the way I need to tie it all up. Motivation is a wonderful thing......lol. But actually the book is titled "Chasing Me". Its about a brotha named Chase, who is mixed, black mother and white father and ends up a gay male dancer. He ends up running with this crew od drag queens and ends up dancing from a dare. As he grows older, things from his past come back to haunt him...and its turns out not to be all bad........lol.
TM: It is also set in the 1980's
Epiphany: sounds interesting...but that’s two books set in the 80's...did you like the 80's...I know I did!
TM: Yes.......very much so.......lol. Well I relate to that time frame and seen a lot of things during that time. For me, it was the last time I really had fun. Not to mention that was my "comin out " time period as well. Men were men back then........no dl crap
Epiphany: yeah the 80's were seminole for me too, and I agree the internet has certainly fucked things up with the gay life style...no more cruisin...no more meeting people at bars...its all on the net where it is safe!
TM: And that ain't really........cause majority lie and say things they know ain't true but think you will never find out.....who zoomin who.....lol
Epiphany: Thats so true... I say bring back the 80's!
TM: You got my vote........lol
Epiphany: So I get the opinion that Tony is going through a little person reorganization.... What’s going on in your life!?
TM: Yeah man......I guess you can call it my "mid life crisis". I told myself one day that if I wanted to change things in my life.....I couldn't keep doing the same dumb shit, because I would keep getting the same results. Change is a wonderful thing.....believe me. And accepting it is even better. Don't get me wrong, I am not bitter at this time, just thankful that I didn't settle just to have someone as so many do. If it is meant to be......I will be in the right place on that right day when we discover each other. But you know, if it never happens again.......I can sure thank God for the times that I did have......yeah boy. I am just at a point that I have to focus in on Tony and not the job, family, or friends. As I said I am looking for different results in my life, and the only person that can change things is me.
Epiphany: Yes this is true..I been there man... Hang tuff it will get better!...
TM: Its got too.....lol.
Epiphany: Well before I let you go I have to say the first book is awesome and the world needs more black gay writers putting out the stories yet still untold! Can my readers get your last book and how can they contact you for a copy?
TM: Well......I am in the process of changing everything and starting a new, all the details haven't been tied up yet. I have books they travel with me all the time.....lol. Right now you will have to help a brotha out until I can get it together. My mailing address is: Tony Manson 12603 Riad St. Detroit, Michigan 48224 All order placed will be filled and sent out ASAP. A money order for $20 will cover the price of the book and postage
Here is the link to Tony's Yahoo group:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tmanson_pub/

Epiphany: Ok great! Yeah any help I can give...I’m happy to call you a friend...and that’s what friend’s do.... Well thanks for coming on...as always its a pleasure to talk to you man!
TM: You know we like Chuckie.......friends till the end. Anything I can do you know you got it. Take care and God Bless Cushy
Epiphany: Thanks man!
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