Sunday, May 07, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!

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It's not always easy to say how you really feel to someone, especially in my family. Its not that We don't have the feelings, its just that they run deeper and it isn't easy to express them to each other. Add to that there has been a thing hanging out there with my parents for a few years now, not sure how it got started, not sure what it is all about but I've grown tired of it because it separates us. My memories of my childhood are nothing short of magical to me. I have good parents and more specifically this week a great mother who I believe understands me on some level, knew that I was different and supported me when I needed it the most, allowing me to grow up to be who I am today. Though I have toughed up over the years, I am a soft person of deep emotion and creativity on the inside and I owe those traits to her, the one who brought me into the world. I've given it allot of thought and wanted to tell her by doing something special for her on Mothers day!

A personal thanks to the folks at Apple (ilife6) which allowed me to put it together in away that I never thought possible and the folks at You Tube who allow us to put this up for the world even when they hardly make a dime off of it!

1 comment:

Morisset said...

very beautiful, touching and empowering. Love the choice of song also. I'm sure your mom is very proud of you! Thanks for sharing these personal photos...
