Dear Monty,
Time is really passing and life seems to move forward and I guess thats how it should be right? Yet I keep thinking back on days gone by with a mixture of fondness and melancholy and of you. Not a week goes by when Lasaunji and I don't mention your name in some conversation about food or cloths or men but mostly about how drastic a void you have left in our lives. She always talks about how cheerful you were when she saw you and how that always helped make her day.
I guess its the simple things that mean the most to us... For me it was the enthusiasm you brought to life and I find myself pushing even harder for my dreams because of you I know tomorrow isn't always certain.
I'd like to say that after you left things stayed the same. They haven't. People changed very quickly and moved on. The circle rarely if ever meets, it seems you were the glue and people just don't know how to interact in your absence. That has some of us feeling sad. What I wouldn't give for a plate of food, some Will Downing playing in the background and that table of friends and conversation, Corey cutting up about something he saw and that sly touch of shade being thrown that made us laugh at ourselves for just a moment... and keeping everything real.
I don't make it home as often as I would like these days, Just doesn't seem the same when I do but when I am home I always think of you and it some how makes it better. Your always with me.
With love Christopher
Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
This is a very touching letter to Monty; may he remember the love and friendship you and his other friends shared with him. It appears that Monty means a lot to a lot of people.
I miss Monty and I don't even know him, but I can feel the love and friendship that his presence brought around whenever he was near.
That is very touching. Who is he?
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