Over the past few days I have been researching the other portions of my ballot so that I could properly vote for my congressman, local judges, and the various propositions in my home city of Detroit. Tonight I committed my choices to the ballot and dropped it in my local post box for its trip back to Michigan! I have been hearing from so many people here in Canada how much they wish they could vote in this election. Some because it is a historic opportunity to vote for the first black President, many others because of the ever present influence the US has on what happens in Canada. In any case my north of the boarder straw pole easy fit into my ultimate choice! YES I DID! because YES WE CAN!

Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
I sent my absentee ballot in as well and my support Obama is included among that ballot! Check out my spot when you get some time peace.
I voted and I feel this year my vote will count, change will happen.
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