It's been more than a couple years since I went home for the holidays. Hard to believe I know but the story is complicated and quite frankly in hid site not worth think on anymore. I went this year for a number of reasons, I wanted to see my brothers new home, I wanted to see my nieces and nephews just to name two. The trip had a degree in difficulty as there was snow in mass quantity almost every day which made moving around a pain in the ass. But I have to say that it was all worth it... We celebrate Christmas as a family on Christmas Eve... It was nice but the bonus treat came on Christmas morning at my brothers and sister inlaws home when the two girls ran about the house because Santa had come! There was even a little something under the tree for me which was quite unexpected! I haven't had that kind of Christmas in years... and it was truly needed and made it all worth while.

Stayed with my brother Matt who had a tree in the room I slept in... I really liked it because it was warm and inviting light that reminded me of Christmas's past.

Toys are essential especially those that are Sci-Fi/ Star Wars related! These aren't the gifts you were looking for;-)! I guess jedi Mind tricks do work at Christmas!

It was truly a white Christmas this year both at my brothers and at my fathers home....

On the last day in Detroit I hung out with my extended family over an awesome lunch at Olga's Kitchen! The conversation was phenomenal and fed my spirit in so many ways!

Traveling with a good friend really makes that 4 hour train ride go in a snap! Thanks Kevin!

Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
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