The Urban Jungle Party / Tribal Council Ball - Caribana 2010!
Over the past couple months I have been working on a truly great project! Like last years Almighty Ball, Charmed Monroe (aka DJ Blackcat) came to me with themes for his next Ball and Caribana weekend party... Whats great about working with Cat creatively is that once the ball is rolling he largely gets out of the way and lets me imagine the worlds created around his themes. The work usually starts with a series of photo shoots to capture the human elements of the design. The more challenging backgrounds come next and often push ones photoshop talents to their limits. I always learn something new working on one of his projects that I didn't know before I started... During the final stages of this project I moved from CS3 to CS5 which challenged the projects completion having to relearn a few things about photoshop. I have posted most of the original pieces of finished art along with the final flyer with text! Gotta give props to Miyoko Anderson, Omar White and David D.Boii Anning who put up with all kinds of modeling moments to make these great! Needless to say... I hope you like... and of coarse I hope to see you at the event! This is a party not to be missed! Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
1 comment:
I am so impressed with these CHRIS!!!
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