Photographs, my photographs tell stories about people, and most of the time if I got it right, they do it all on their own. But thats the goal of a good photographer isn't it? As I build this blog I am begining to branch out and tell the stories of other people who have impacted my life... Its my hope that through my friends I may yet learn more about myself. Tonights post I am going to interview my friend of almost 15 years, Lewis Smith. I first met Lewis through my friend Montrice. Lewis had returned to Detroit from school and had conspicously arrived at Montriece's right at dinner time!

(This is my first ever photo of Lewis, clearly helping Monty clean his plate;-) Who could blame him given Monty's cooking skills. My initial impression of Lewis was that he was a comedian! And he had me in stiches from the get go... Over the last almost 15 years I have found him to be far more serious and driven, and ya he's still funny as you will see:
Epiphany: ok before we start is there anything off limits.
Lewis: I'll let you know it when I know it, ok??
Epiphany: LOL ok kewl!
Epiphany: Ok Lewis, we have known each other for over 14 years
did you know that !?!
Lewis: That's right!
Epiphany: yes time fly’s when your around good people.
Lewis: I thought about that a few months ago and how nerve wrecking you were with that instamatic camera you had. LoL
Epiphany: Yeah always with my camera… that’s why the call me snap shot!
Epiphany: Ok well I’ve told you already but you’ve been somewhat of a hero to me.
Lewis: LOL
Lewis: Really? I'm humbled. Why?
Epiphany: seriously... you lived and in DC and you worked in the halls of congress... what was that like for you?
Lewis: It was humbling. Especially when you think about the fact that African-Americans really are chocolate chips on the Hill.
Epiphany: true that! What was the most interesting thing to happen to you while you were in DC?
Lewis: Hmmm . . . that's good question.
Lewis: I was a Legislative Assistant to Congressman Sandy Levin and I think the thing that I like most and always took seriously was the fact that I helped to mold his policy. I'd meet with lobbyists and constituents, and I was responsible for making sure that the Congressman was well informed on the issues.
Epiphany: I remember when we came to DC and you gave us the grand un official tour of the capitol building, you seemed to know all these facts about history and the process, have you always been good at American history and politics?
Lewis: Not on purpose. It's just one of those "interests" You're born with. I was glued to PBS last week watching the special on Ronald Reagan, and I love to read "The Nation". I must admit I am one of those CSPAN junkies. I think it stems from my parents though. My father would make my sister and I watch 60 Minutes and I remember my mother, father, sister and I going to a rally in downtown Detroit for Jimmy Carter's first presidential campaign in 1976.
Epiphany: Ok is it ok to talk about life style in this interview before we go on?
Lewis: Sure
Epiphany: Ok well I guess when I said you were one of my hero’s it went deeper than that... Your black, and gay and doing the nations business which is so American... but do you think that the country is accepting of you as a person… given all that you are and have done?
Lewis: Honestly Chris, I've been blessed. Strange how this relates, but it seems that because my family has been so accepting of me and I've been open about my sexuality in every facet of my life, I have to be careful not to take it for granted. Even in relationships I sometimes take it for granted that I will have Thanksgiving dinner with his folks, he will have a picture of me on his desk, his mother and I will become good "Judys" or I'm looking forward to talking to his pastor. And I have to be mindful that everyone can't do what I do. But again it goes back to the values that were instilled in me.
Epiphany: Yes I have to admit there are two sides of Lewis I have witnessed, the serious taking care of business side and the ki-ki judy side… and with you it seems so together in one seamless package.
Lewis: Thanks. I truly try to make me better everyday and I do fall short but I don't stop. Like Audre Lorde said I have to define myself for myself.
Epiphany: When I was at your home in DC I loved to look at the school picture of you in as a child in your African Dashiki in front of the black board... you seem early on to have an great sense of self identity as a black man, who instilled this in you?
Lewis: My mom and my dad. In our Archie coloring books, my mama would color everyone brown and put afros, cornrolls or afro puffs on all the characters LOL.
Epiphany: Hahaha Awesome!... I’ve always liked your Mom!
Lewis: Plus there was also the Black art, books, magazines in the house. So we were surrounded by it everyday.
Epiphany: You quit Washington a few years back to come back to Michigan, what was the inspiration there?
Lewis: I wanted to return to law school. I had done a year at the University of Detroit prior to moving to DC but dropped out ( I was making too much money for a 25 year old! lolol). I came back to Michigan for two reasons. No school accepted me in the DC area and I was missing my nieces and nephews growing up. God works it all out though.
Epiphany: So you have always said, you wanted to be a lawyer, how long have you wanted that and why?
Lewis: Smile. I love this anecdote. When I was 7, I was watching television and I saw a Black judge on the screen. I would like to believe it was Thurgood Marshall but I can't remember. I told my mother, "Look Mama, that's what I'm going to be when I grow up!" To which she responded " Well Lamont (my middle name) you'll have to be a lawyer first." I told her "then that's what I'll do!". And ever since then I've pursued it. As you know I'll be taking the Bar Exam next month.
Epiphany: That’s a great story, but as a lawyer what do you want to accomplish?
Lewis: The thing I love most about the law is that it truly is for man and not man for the law. It brings so much order to our lives that it's not something we in developed countries even think about anymore.
Epiphany: That’s true... but given your government experience would you ever want to run for office one day?
Lewis: Maybe. I really think that that's something I am being prepared for. People don't realize that politics affect each of our lives everyday.
Epiphany: Oh I think many do understand now in this current Bush era...
Lewis: LOL, Let's hope so.
Epiphany: what do you think of the brother from Illinois Barack Obama
Lewis: He seems decent enough. I haven't looked at record since he took office so I can't really comment.
Epiphany: Can you see him going to the white house one day?
Lewis: I think the first minority president will be a Republican (I've bought a copy of Hillary vs. Condi, which I'm going to read in March).
Epiphany: Really a republican!... Do you think Condi has enough game to pull off?
Lewis: If it comes down to her and Hillary yes. But it will come down to the money and where the special interests are willing to put that money.
Epiphany: I’m wondering what the implications would be for a woman president who might have to deal with Muslim countries given their stance on women... it could inflame relations...
Lewis: It probably will. but this is America do you really think we care?! Ha!
Epiphany: Not if we are going to live up to our American ideals… Probably not.
Epiphany: So Lewis what kind of lawyer are you going to be?
Lewis: I actually like what I'm doing now which is municipal law. That's deals with city, townships and counties. I write ordinances, analyze how national and sate policy and laws affect the city. And I also may investigate various city departments for City Council. I just want to do it from the private sector so I can make some money to pay off my student loans. LOL.
Epiphany: I know that’s right!
Lewis: You know Chris, in June I'll celebrate 20 years in politics and government, who would have thought it?
Epiphany: That is a great accomplishment and I know you have worked hard for it! Lewis if you could say something to a young teen who is black, and gay who thinks that they are never going to be anybody what would you tell them?
Lewis: The same thing my "Big Ma" (grandmother to some) told me when she found out I was gay at 18: "Don't worry about your Mama and Daddy. Go on and be who and what you got to be; just put God first in your life and make your life what you want it to be! You want a piece of sweet potato pie?"
Lewis: LOL, That’s an honest quote Chris.
Epiphany: I can see where you get your optimism from Lou!
Lewis: It hasn't been an easy ride Chris but I've been blessed to do everything I've wanted do; not always how I'd thought it would be but I've done it none the less.
Epiphany: Speaking of God, he seems first in your life which is good!... but the right would say that religion and being in the life doesn’t square with each other...
what would you say to them?
Lewis: The same thing my mother told me "Just remember what Jesus said a bout gay folks!"
Epiphany: what was that?
Lewis: That was her point exactly . . . not a word!
Epiphany: HA! Great ! Love it!
Epiphany: OK, so we are getting close to the end here, what does Lewis like to do for fun?!
Lewis: Read, dance, workout, hang w/friends, Scrabble, golf . . . I miss acting but I'll get back to it one day soon.
Epiphany: Yes you are good at all of those things... any last words for the world before we conclude?
Lewis: Thank you for this opportunity Chris; you are a good man. In closing, I would just like to say that even though my family is accepting of me (and my two cousins) some one walked through that door first before me. I love to hear the stories my mother and her sisters tell of my great-great aunt Joyce Ann in the 50's. she wore men's clothes, always had a "girlfriend, and demanded that everyone call her Chico. LOL. Not that we need to go that far but know that the world doesn't change unless we make it change. Be blessed!
Epiphany: And on that inspiring comment! Thank you Lewis! and good luck with the bar exam!!!
Lewis: Thanks!
1 comment:
What an excellent interview. I would like to thank you and Lewis for sharing a part of life with me. I first became interested in your spot because of a your photos, you are an excellent artist. Now I am looking forward to more to come. Thank you.
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