Ten years ago I purchased a fantastic carved box in Detroit's Greektown from an African importer with whom I had struck up a friendship with. I had been looking for a box because I like everyone had begun to amass trinkets both intrinsically valuable and personally valuable. A couple times a year I pull out my Jewels to clean them and to take a moment to travel down memory lane. I snapped a picture last week as I have been dyeing to show you my Jewels!
Ok here goes:
A. 1976! Remember the Bi- Centennial;-) No it wasn't about the 100 anniversary of being Bi! It was the The USA's 200th birthday! There was a traveling americana museum exhibit which travelled all over the country via Amtrak! They had a commemorative coin that my mother purchased for me...
B. 24k Gold Cufflinks! cause every man should own a pair! Actually I stood up in my friend Bob's wedding and since his family was so well to do, the wedding party gifts were a bit nice....
C. My boi Tony from Trinidad sent me a Fab-u-lous silver bracelet for Christmas this year!!!!
D. 14k Irish Heart and Crown wedding band... I had given this to someone very special many years back... His name was Perry. I had dated him for a few months albeit a bit too platonically and we ended up having a big argument over the sex life or the total lack there of, I just couldn't figure it out because he clearly loved me!. We parted ways, but a month or so later I wanted to apologize for some of my words and I found out he was in the hospital... I waited till he returned home to talk to him... When I did finally see him he clued me in that he not only HIV but that he was dealing with full blown AIDS... I was struck by the fact that all of our arguments had centered around the lack of sexual contact and I was in awe of his selfless act of abstinence so I would not get hurt... I invited him to live in my home with me and on his birthday I gave him the ring. He passed away a few years later and his mother surprised me with the ring after the funeral.
E. A souvenir from from a coworker who went to visit family in Trinidad!
F. After ten years of running the Ford Motor Company Research Department, I got a promotion to a new department to my surprise my team pulled their moneys together and got me a wonderful gold pocket watch!!! I was blown away!
G. Working for GM for five years gets you a lapel pin! At the time I worked for the Buick, Olds, Cadillac division!
H. More bobbles from the Caribbean! this bracelet is from another coworker who went to Jamaica.
I. The cork from a bottle of Dom! opened on new years eve of the new millennium!
J. My Kenneth Cole necklace watch from a kewl gay men's store just off of Dumont Circle in Washington D.C.!
K. My Rolex...nuff said!
L. Another commemorative coin from the anniversary of the Liberty Bell. The kewl part of this is the mettle the coin was made from was from some of the left over ingots used to craft the original bell.
M. OK I'm a geek ok! this is my 30th anniversary Star Trek pocket watch from Fossil!!!! I only wear it in the privacy of my own home and a few conventions (come on now, you know you watch it too ;-)
N. A proofed coin depicting the birth of Jesus... a gift from my grandfather.
O. My freak colors! pride necklace!!!
P. A retro pin depicting a globe and three elliptical rings... very sci fi!
Q. My Parker fountain pen... I paid $375.00 for this pen in 1993... and have been offered twice that since then, I think I'm gonna keep this one!
R. My golden eagle lapel pin I got for achieving my master coaching status.
S. Brass ankle bracelet from the shrine of the Black Madonna in Detroit.
T. My Ford 100th anniversary lapel pin.
U. So I am a Leo and I got this necklace from my good friend Steve Gaskil on my 37th birthday!
V. Gucci! Another Leo necklace made from proof silver... Love wearing this one in the club!
W. Yet another lapel pin, this one give to me by then Mayor Walter Moore of Pontiac...
X. A kewl looking but practically useless pen, made for looks obviously...
Y. Miscellaneous beads
Z. My silver ring I had made by a french silver smith in the beaches area of Toronto, engraved in the ring is the word EPIPHANY (more on the significance of that later)
1. My Grandfathers tie clip...
2. A 1901 Silver Eagle, again another gift from my Grandfather.
3. Why does the US still flirt with the $2.00 bill, this one from the day they were re-issued in 1976...
4. A silver bracelet form the Detroit Art fair in 1995.
5. More beads from my brother Perry.
6. Mom's pearls.....shhhhhhhh! don't tell :-)
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