2005 saw the premier of Michael Bay's film called "The Island" staring Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson and Djimon Hounsou. The basic premise of the film has the main characters, clones grown for extra body parts played by Ewan and Scarlett running for their life from the evil people who made them! The chase leads them into a futuristic city out west, but in actuality is a composite of LA and my home town Detroit! Many of the scenes were shot in downtown Detroit with many of the prominent buildings visible and shown in a very futuristic light. One of the more intense scenes is a car chase which ends in the 15th street train station's grand hall. Nothing needed to be added to the urban decay that was meant to be represented. As you know from previous posts that many of my photographs come from the same location... there is an erie grace and beauty in this grand building in its final days and years of decay. Tonight I have attached some screen shots from the movie... notice the grand arching windows shown and the image of Meechie against the same window (shown for scale) 15 years ago when most of the glass was still in the frames. Ironically I would use the train station for my shoots because it was an island from all else in Detroit..where I could easily pose many of my nudes with out attention or distraction.
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