Friday, February 01, 2008

EPIPHANYNoir hits 35 Countries!

The goal of any Photographer/Artist is to get their work seen. Most people work very hard to get seen in the city in which they live in. When I started this blog in 2005 that was me as it is very hard to break through in a large city like Toronto. I had had several shows in Detroit, but that was it. Unable to put a show together here was also frustrating so technology came to the rescue! Thanks to blogger and Google Analytics I now have put together over 244 posts with my art and images and bit of my life. In addition with over 21000 visitors, analytics has also told me from what countries they have visited from! In all 35 to date! From all over the world!
I still want to put on a show here in Toronto but my hope now is that perhaps one day that show will be somewhere else in the world. It's gratifying to reach people from other cultures , to receive their comments.... It's simply amazing!

Click on image to enlarge

Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.

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