Monday, February 06, 2012

Chrysler Wins Again!

Super Bowls are about the game, the halftime show, and in America its about the commercials. This year Chrysler wins yet again with a pro Detroit, pro American spirit piece called "Halftime in America" narrated by Clint Eastwood. A lot has been made of the ads politics. I can see the connection but I don't fucking care... What I care about is Detroit, what I care about is the mischaracterization that Detroit is over.. Its not. It is in the process of reinvention, something America is in the middle of too. Reinvention is what we do best...what we have always done best! We are all reinvented decendance of those who came before, both good or bad, right or wrong its who we are and this commercial hits the mark. "Halftime in America" follows up on the fantastic Eminem "Lose Yourself" commercial from last years Superbowl.

This is the Motorcity and this is what we do! Damn straight! Made in Detroit!

Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.

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